scaf-code - Quickly Generate Code with ChatGPT

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OpenAI recently released a model called gpt-4-1106-preview. It can handle quite long texts of up to 128k tokens, which means it can now reference several normal text files without any issues.

So, for those times when you think, “I’d like to write a program like this, referring to similar programs I’ve made before and using such specifications and type definitions,” I’ve created a command called scaf-code that quickly generates a template-like file with ChatGPT.

Description of scaf-code

You will need an OpenAI API Key to use it. ※ (Charges will also apply there)


pip install scaf-code

How to Use

First, please set your OpenAI API Key as an environment variable.

export OPENAI_API_KEY=<your_openai_api_key>

The Simplest Way to Use

The simplest way to use it is to specify --out and --spec.

scaf_code --out tmp/ --spec “Create a command that takes multiple numbers from the command line, adds them all together, and outputs the result”

This will create a file like the following.

import sys

def main():
    # Initialize the sum
    total_sum = 0

    # Iterate over the arguments
    for arg in sys.argv[1:]:  # Skip the script name
            # Convert each argument to an integer and add it to the sum
            total_sum += int(arg)
        except ValueError:
            # Handle the case where the argument is not an integer
            print(f"Error: ‘{arg}’ is not a valid number.")

    # Output the sum
    print(f"The sum is: {total_sum}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

The current version has some annoying code fences attached, so you have to remove them, but once removed, it was executable.

python tmp/ 1 2 3 4
The sum is: 10

Well, this much was possible even before.

Generating Code While Referring to Other Files

You can specify multiple files with the --ref option to make references. Since ChatGPT is only told the file name part, instructions like “refer to ~” are also effective.

scaf_code --out tmp/ --spec “Create a command that multiplies arguments, referring to” --ref tmp/

This will generate tmp/

Buisiness use

When you’re iteratively creating code, you might want to keep in mind base classes, type files, common specifications, and instructions. It seems convenient to textually specify such things before giving instructions (though that’s just a feeling).

You can use the --spec-file option to read the “instructions” part from a file.


# Generate a new task!
scaf_code --out src/tasks/ \
  --spec-file doc/tasks/ doc/ \
  --ref src/tasks/{,}

# Generate a test along with it!
scaf_code --out tests/tasks/ \
  --spec-file doc/tasks/ doc/ \
  --ref src/tasks/ tests/tasks/

I’m hoping it can be generated like this.

Isn’t VSCode + GithubCopilotChat Good Enough?

Copilot can do something similar, but it’s not always easy to specify files clearly, and if you’re using a different editor like PyCharm, it’s not so straightforward. Also, being able to use it from the CLI is strong for various repetitions, I think.

With the acceptance of 128K Tokens, it seems likely that there will be cases where you want to create something “with reference to ~” for normal documents and various other files, so I made it for now.

In Conclusion

Well, it’s still rough, but it seems fun to be able to extend it in various ways, such as being able to reference images, handle various file formats (like docx?), fetch files from URLs, and integrate with CodeInterpreter.